Monday, December 7, 2009

week ten.

big, fluffy flakes are falling as i type this final chapter of our study notes on esther. it is almost Christmastime and we have a Savior to celebrate. hooray. how cool it is to think that the people we've spent months reading about in this old testament book, their King is why we are celebrating, and He is my King, too.

due to the upcoming Christmas holiday and 2010 to ring in, we will be closing down headquarters here for a few weeks. a little christmas vacation for us all to rest, remember, and rejoice. come back january 14, 2010 for a brand new start to the new year. i guarantee a fresh outlook and loads of good resolutions will be found in the upcoming study.

and now for the little section i call, what i'm going to take away from this study..

His timing is always perfect.
i can have perfect peace during fear.
the power of submission.
God permits trials for our greater good and the strengthening of our faith.
the dangers of anger, pride, and living for personal prestige in the world.
too much thought for ourselves, whether good or bad, will be detrimental.
there is no need for us to carry the weight of our troubles, we have our Savior to bear them.
the Almighty arm is always my defender and my trust is in Him alone.
proving God's power, and not my own, should be my aim in everything.
happy times are a gift from our loving Lord.

one more thing i must mention, regarding some educational benefit from the study guide; the historical tidbits have really helped me establish a proper link in my head between the jews people of esther's time and the jewish people today's day and age. they are one and the same. purim, esther's holiday, is still celebrated today. wow. i've just never made that connection before. but now i have a much clearer picture of their traumatic and ongoing story. their preservation throughout history is fascinating to me, and speaks greatly of God's sovereign hand.

whew. that was a lot to take in. i'm praying that the Holy Spirit will help me remember these lessons and recall them as i encounter His mercies everyday. thanks for a fantastic study and Merry Christmas!

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