Monday, November 23, 2009

week eight.

let's talk chapter 7. this is the point in the story where my memory fades out. i was under the impression that chapter 6 was the reversal point of the story and chapter 7 would be retribution and the triumphant ending. well, i'm not sure if the sunday school lessons i grew up with went further than haman's death or not, but i sure was surprised to find that the story does not end when the bad guy goes to the gallows. i'm excited to find out what the Holy Spirit has in store for me in the not-remembered chapters ahead.

some points i made in my notes during chapter 7 study.

01. haman's evil plotting and scheming make a perfect illustration of a proverb that i had not given much thought to before: 'if a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.' (proverbs 26:27)

02. a good reminder. esther's plea for her life and the preservation of the jews was not a winning one because of her persuasive words, but rather it was a demonstration of God's great power. esther was the instrument here, but not the hero. God won the battle. just as paul tells the corinthians in 1 corinthians 2:4-5, his speaking was not a demonstration of his own eloquence or persuasion, but proof of the Spirit's power. 'so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.' let us always have faith in His power, and refuse to rely on the strength of men.

03. while musing over haman's demise, beth makes the point that 'living to be great' in the eyes of the world (which is exactly what haman was doing) will be full of disappointment and ultimately disastrous. our worth needs to be found in Him, in our position as saved and justified and set apart. we are children of the King and heirs with Christ. our worth needs to be found in living for Him. beth says, 'to live for the greatness of God is to live the great life.' and the writer of acts tells us, 'i consider my life worth nothing to me, if only i may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.'

verb [intransitive] serve as evidence or proof of something's existence.

let us live in a way that proves the power of God's grace.

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