Monday, November 2, 2009

WEEK 5:: a table set for providence

i love how each week God is using this study to reveal small truths that are immediately applicable to my life. aside from all the glorious insight we are gaining into this fabulous story, God is teaching me life lessons through it, as well. and for that, i am eternally grateful.

this week, we see our heroine faced with some rather trying circumstances. we see her faced with choices that, i'm pretty sure, none of us would want to make. we see her standing tall, in the face of probable opposition, for what she believes in. and we have so much to learn from her courage. the conclusion of the lesson on "day 3" states:

"to stand by and do nothing out of self-preservation is to be dead already"

i was completely blown-away and challenged by this statement. as we observe esther facing her husband, the king, without a summons, we see her taking this truth-- and running with it. casting aside regard for her own well-being, she proceeded to make a stand for what she knew was right.

what inspiration! so often, in our society, we comfort ourselves with the idea that, as long as WE aren't the ones actively participating in the wrong-doing, we have no accountability to it. we close a blind eye to the injustice around us, and feel that we are not to blame. but this is such corrupt thinking. such a twisted mindset. and i too am guilty of it.

in order to protect our ego, our reputation, and in certain circumstances, even our safety---we often choose not to take a stand. to be silent. we attempt to "make a statement" by doing nothing at all. and by doing so, are actually taking part in the negative events. esther's story challenges us to trust that, while standing up for good, God will be with us each step of the way.

make it your goal this week to take a stand. even a little one. maybe shut down some gossip. help someone you see struggling--instead of speeding past. befriend a person who is commonly excluded. share your faith.

there are lyrics from a crystal lewis song that state:

"for such a time as this, isn't much too great a risk?
i've never flown from the edge of a cliff. never walked on the water.
but if i turn away, how will i know what i have missed?
have i waited all of my life, for such a time as this?"

this song has given me strength through some very difficult times in my life. allow it to strengthen you, this week, as you step up your game.

this is the time God has given us to make a stand. be an esther this week.

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