Monday, October 5, 2009

week one.

good morning and welcome to the beginning.

i'm summer from summer harms and this is the first time you've heard my voice on this new little spot. i am so delighted to be a part of it. just as i was praying for a project to pop up in my life, for a brand new way to use what time and gifts God has given me, this bible study began. i never would have thought of it on my own, and it is perfect. God is so good. i love when He reminds me that He is able to do immeasurably more than can ask or imagine (ephesians 3.20).

well. guess who is showing up to class without a textbook? that's right. i have not received my beth moore study book yet. but no matter. the mailman should be bringing it to my door anytime. and i'm excited. if you also are awaiting your study book, or if you are following along with us and will not be buying the study book (everyone is welcome- book or no book), here's my plan of attack. all you need is your bible. please join me if you like.

1. take out your bible and find esther chapter 1. before you even start to read, you probably have preconceived notions about this familiar book. i know i did. you might be thinking that you know the story and have already taken all that you want from it. if this is the case, maybe before you begin to read you could start your study time with a prayer. pray that you will read this passage not with your own understanding, but with the understanding that the Holy Spirit gives us. He is, after all, our Counselor and guides us into all truth (john 16.13). ask for His help to grasp what you read. pray that you will read the passage as if you've never read it before, with open eyes to see in this book things that you have never seen before. pray for apprehension and appreciation, and ask the Lord to show you how you can apply His words to your life and heart.

2. dig a little deeper into esther. this could be as easy as browsing through the footnotes and cross-references in your bible. or you could grab your husband's thick study bible and read through the introduction section. or do a little culture research by looking up the history, outline, and themes of the book. i think they will help you read with 'new eyes'. happily for me, we are currently studying this time period in our sunday school class and it is incredibly fascinating. if you have the opportunity, an old testament review class is so worth it. seriously.

more to come soon.

i look forward to studying God's word with you and am praying that it will truly 'dwell in us richly'. thank you for coming!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog, Summer, and was absolutely baffled when I stumbled upon this. The women's bible study at my church has been studying this. It's so mind blowing!
