Monday, October 26, 2009

week 4:: if you remain silent

each week, i continue to be more and more impressed with beth's teaching. more and more enthralled in all the amazing details and lessons God has tucked away in His word. what a honor it is that we each have the opportunity to know His heart in this intimate way. it really blows my mind.

now. of all the fabulous points in this past lesson, i want to focus on only one of them this morning. i found it so timely that beth highlighted this particular issue, because it's one that's been heavy on my heart, as of late. the passage of note states:

"life sometimes isn't pretty. we aren't plastic ponies, and this isn't pretend. no matter how we sparkle at church or bible study, on earth we still have pain. instead of going ahead and feeling the pain, processing it before God, and letting Him heal us, sometimes we opt for a trade-in. we swap pain for anger because it's easier for awhile..."

these words moved me deeply because of there inerrant truth. how often do we allow ourselves to become bitter and angry when we experience times of trial. pain. suffering. we become indignant. wondering why we have to endure such things. why us? why now? why ever? we exist with the belief that anything that hurts is something that shouldn't be in our lives. but that's not reality. God doesn't promise that we will be exempt from difficult times. in fact, that's the opposite of the truth. however, He promises with authority that He will heal our wounds. carry us. love us. through any and all circumstances. rather than allowing anger to seep into our hearts during painful times, what a testimony it would be to God if we gave the pieces of our heart over to Him, and allowed His healing power to make us whole!!

i know this can be unbelievably difficult. i can sit here and type all day, but the moment something unfortunate happens, i'll be caught in an emotional tug-of-war. this world casts so many things on us. on our family. friends. it's so easy to become weary. to give in. so, as often as i think of it, i mediate on this scripture. it's one of my favorites, and never, ever fails to bring me comfort:

"i have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. in the world you will have tribulation. but take heart, i have overcome the world."
- john 16:33

what a powerful, powerful verse. these words, spoken by Jesus, have the tender quality of an embrace. it's Jesus telling us--"I've already won the war-- so trust me through the battles". i am sure it is this very truth that kept esther and mordecai faithful during their trials. isn't it amazing to realize that, throughout history, we've all been carried by the same amazing creator?

i pray you have a fabulous autumn week in God's word. we'll meet again November 2nd!

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